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Long, long ago... About twelve-hundred years, if I remember correctly... Mind you, the Citadel did not exist back then; we had little more than a large cave network to call our own as far as capitals go... But I digress. A severely injured female gold dragon dragged herself through the cave entrance. Earlier that day, she had been savaged and raped by a red dragon, having only barely escaped with her life. In time, she laid a clutch of eggs from that terrible union. We did what we could for her wounds, but she did not survive long past laying the clutch. Nor, as it turned out, did most of the eggs. Only a single one hatched. And, as luck would have it, the hatchling was healthy. Despite its chromatic heritage, we decided to raise it according to the teachings of Bahamut. And, as the years turned to decades, and the decades turned to centuries, Sinianth grew, and seemed to take to Bahamut's teachings quite well. Tragically, it would not last. In time he came to feel that Bahamut was not properly serving his followers. He began studying arcane tomes in search of knowledge, secluding himself in the library. By this time, the Citadel was already under construction, though it would be many more years before it reached completion. Though his faith had faltered, we continued to accept him as one of us. After all, we had raised him as our own, and he had golden dragon heritage. We would not cast him out. As the years passed, though, he spent more and more time practicing his magical abilities, until one day he announced he was departing. He felt that we were not making proper use of the power we had, and that he would not achieve anything living with 'cowardly fools,' as he called us. Though we were sad to see him go, and at the decisions he had made, we did not believe for an instant he would fall as far as he did. A hundred years passed. We had all but forgotten about Sinianth, when some of our number began to disappear. They would go out for some reason, and then never return. We naturally investigated, and discovered something horrific. Sinianth's lust for power had consumed him utterly. Delving deep into ancient secrets, he discovered a long-forgotten secret. A dark ritual, abhorrent to Bahamut and Tiamat both. Sinianth had transformed himself into a dracolich. We fought against him, of course. As did our usual enemies, the chromatic dragons. It was the one time in recorded history that we ever worked together. I suppose that isn't QUITE true. We both had the same goal, and we simply agreed not to kill each other while doing it. We razed the castle he had taken as his lair and, after destroying everything within, collapsed the caverns below. While we unfortunately did not find his phylactery, we felt confident that he had been defeated. You see, dracoliches function differently than your human liches do. Their bodies do not regenerate from death. Instead, when they are slain, their spirit is returned to the phylactory, and must possess the corpse of a nearby dragon to prolong its existence. The corpse slowly transforms into an identical copy of the dracolich's original body. Having destroyed all of his stockpiled corpses, we believed that he would be trapped in his phylactery forever, unable to regenerate. Though it has been nearly eight hundred years since his defeat, it seems that someone has found him. Fortunately, we may still have time. When a dracolich first possesses a new body, he is not in full command of his powers. Not until the transformation is complete is the dracolich completely reborn.

Sinianth possessed the body of an avatar of Bahamut, but was slain before he could complete his transformation. His phylactery was destroyed by Leardon as a requirement for the cleric's own transformation to lichdom.

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