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Krom was a dwarven wizard who traveled with his good friend, Chizu. While in the port town of Stark, they met up with Justin Oakenleaf, Switch , and Midilono and headed up to the town of Duvik to investigate a mysterious plague that had come upon the town. Together, they uncovered and slew the orcish cleric who had created the plague. Unbeknownst to them, in doing so they incurred the wrath of another cleric of Gruumsh, who summoned the Mortal Hunter to kill them in revenge. Krom and Chizu left the group after arriving in the ruins of Rion and continued traveling together. Along the road to Elton they separated, with Chizu continuing on alone to the town. Now alone, Krom was an easy target for the Mortal Hunter, who ambushed and killed him.

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