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Race Half-Elf
Gender Female
Character Class Wizard
Status Alive
Alignment Unaligned

Kayleth is a war orphan, and by all rights should have died in infancy. A traveling swindling fortune teller found her in the ruins of her parents' home, and took pity on the girl in a rare moment of selflessness. And so, Kayleth grew up under the tutelage of "Bara-barabushka, great dame-sage of the void", Kayleth learned much. Throughout her childhood, the simple half-elven girl carried out the duties of preparing and upkeeping Barabushka's magic illusions. She spent her youth stuffing chicken bones into sleeves and gathering pixie dust (simple flowering dust).

In her young adulthood, Barabushka began to teach Kay a few basic arcane tricks and illusory magic to beguile and seduce coins from the purses of their gullible owners. The older woman knew that one day, her trembling hands would betray her magic seeing talents for what they really are: mere tricks of the eye. In such days, she would have to rely on Kay to take over her Magicke Shoppe of Wonderous Fortunes and earn them both their meals.

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How does one start an adventure? Well, for Kayleth Songweaver, it all started with a
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