Tear of Boccob

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The Tear of Boccob was a tear-shaped crystal given to the archpriests of the Temple of the Mind's Eye in Estorium by Boccob. After the Illithid War, a group of priests took the Tear out of Estorium, and built a tower north of Wellspring to house it. Contact with the tower gradually declined, and eventually its location was lost.

In the year 2959, Tephra hired a mercenary band called the Stormcrows to reclaim the Tear. When they arrived in the tower, however, they discovered that it had been corrupted. The Tear's energies warped them into hideous aberrations. They began worshiping it, until it was stolen by an illithid living in the sewers beneath Wellspring. Using his own mercenaries - a band of dark ones from the Shadowfell - the illithid kidnapped townsfolk and exposed them to the corrupted Tear, transforming them into monsters.

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