Hi, my name is Christopher Colton. I'm 23, and I'm a 3D modeler.

I grew up in Oakland, California. When I was in the sixth grade, I was given a project to interview a business and do a presentation on what they do. As luck would have it, the computer game company Maxis had just moved into the office building that my dad worked in, and he managed to set me up with an interview. Ever since then, I've wanted to work in the video game industry.

I attended Cal State Hayward for three and a half years as a Computer Science major before switching to Applied Computer Graphics and transfering to Cal State Chico for another two and a half years. During the summer of 2007, I got my first job in the industry as a QA tester for Electronic Arts.

In my spare time I enjoy reading, watching movies of nearly every age and genre, listening to movie soundtracks, and of course playing video games. I also play World of Warcraft on the Earthen Ring server.