A robot created for an animation project I worked on. A mechanical spider created for the "High Noon" Unreal Tournament 2004 mod. Another mechanical spider created for the "High Noon" Unreal Tournament 2004 mod. A velociraptor I modeled for my 3D Character Modeling class.
A model of the Transformer "Soundwave" that I did for my final project in my Basic 3D Modeling class. A model of the Transformer "Laserbeak" that I did for my final project in my Basic 3D Modeling class to go with Soundwave. The "Ball and Chain" enemy created for the "Viathan" Unreal Tournament 2004 mod. The "Flapa Ray" enemy created for the "Viathan" Unreal Tournament 2004 mod.
A model of the Protoss "Zeratul" that I did for my final project in my 3D Character Modeling class.